Published articles
Browse through a few sample articles I've written for a variety of publications under my own byline:
Fresh, relevant, and original
Give your brand the edge with sharp writing. Stand out as unique, impressive and authoritative.
Get more name-recognition, boost traffic, and build your business with professional writing by The Writing Doctor.
I write current, engaging, and original content, targeted to the hearts and minds of your audience.
Blogs, articles, and whitepapers help you establish yourself as an expert; they supply your followers with updates, tips and teasers; they keep you relevant on social media; they expand your email list and customer base.
Get the best content that impresses your readers and builds your following
Want to see samples? Contact me and I'll send you samples of blog posts I've written for a variety of industries.
Professional articles and white papers
Articles and white papers help you get the respect and attention that you want in your industry if they provide a clear and clean flow of ideas with the right tone and voice to match your audience.
With a freelance copywriter, you can contract for one article or for many over time. Topics include professional, philosophical, political, recreational, and technical. Contact me about the articles and white papers that you need.
End Ho-Hum Writing
Great writing isn't as easy as it looks! That's why I created this free 28-page guide to quickly walk you through the seven most important ingredients to great writing. Feel good about how you express yourself!
When you sign up for the guide, I'll send you tips and news updates!
Show off your expertise with impact and style with the Writing Doctor's professional content and copywriting.
The Writing Doctor guided us to explain our innovative product as we built our brand voice. We started with the website and then expanded to regular content, blogs and newsletter articles. This long term partnership has been essential to our marketing progress. I recommend her far beyond her great writing skills: she's smart, responsive and challenging.
Hélène Clary / Marketing Director, ClicData, Inc., Lille, France
See for yourself: articles, whitepapers, and blogs
Contact me to see blog posts, whitepapers, and articles I've written for businesses and individuals.
The Writing Doctor
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about writing your articles, blogs, white papers, and more
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